Young Americans

Buckle your seat belt for this road trip comedy by Lauren Yee (King of the Yees, Apple TV’s Pachinko).

Newly engaged immigrants Jenny and Joe meet for the first time driving cross-country to their home in Portland, Oregon. Twenty years later, Joe and their adopted daughter Lucy take the same trip after Lucy’s junior year abroad. Lauren Yee’s intergenerational comedy switches between these two trips with humor and heart, illuminating Joe, Lucy, and Jenny’s search for family, self, and a sense of belonging.


A Co-Production with the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival

“It’ll be a quick war,” he says, “I’ll come home right after,” he says. Twenty years later, we need a drink.

With a cocktail in one hand and a microphone in the other, Penelope takes the stage to tell the story of her epic twenty-year wait in her tiny island kingdom of Ithaca while her husband, Odysseus, was off playing at war. This new one-woman musical from Alex Bechtel (The Appointment) and Eva Steinmetz (Poor Judge) combines soulful songs with a wit drier than your favorite martini to tell a story that is both intimate and explosive.

Happy Anniversary, Theatre Horizon

Help Theatre Horizon Celebrate 20 great years: buy your season subscription and donate now!

Kelly Clarkson looks at a TV screen with Nell Bang-Jensen and Mydera Talia Robinson on the screen

Young Americans: A Play in Two Road Trips

Buckle your seat belt for this road trip comedy by Lauren Yee (King of the Yees, Apple TV’s Pachinko).

Newly engaged immigrants Jenny and Joe meet for the first time driving cross-country to their home in Portland, Oregon. Twenty years later, Joe and their adopted daughter Lucy take the same trip after Lucy’s junior year abroad. Lauren Yee’s intergenerational comedy switches between these two trips with humor and heart, illuminating Joe, Lucy, and Jenny’s search for family, self, and a sense of belonging.

Kelly Clarkson looks at a TV screen with Nell Bang-Jensen and Mydera Talia Robinson on the screen

Season 24/25 2-Show Subscriptions On Sale Now!

With a subscription, you purchase your tickets for the season in advance. This means no scrambling to buy tickets the day of or getting turned away because the show is sold out. It also means that you’re investing in Theatre Horizon and telling us that you’re just as excited about our season as we are! To thank you, we offer many exclusive subscriber benefits to our most loyal patrons: subscribers like yourself.

Support Us


As part of our mission, Theatre Horizon brings terrific, professional theatre to our Norristown community and provides excellent theatre education to over 1,000 children annually. We need your support to continue these goals.

The Agitators

20 for 20 Campaign

Join us as this season as we celebrate 20 years of Theatre Horizon, and look forward to the next 20 years!

Education Programs

Theatre Horizon is dedicated to education because we believe that through arts education, children are given tools to grow as individuals, creatively, and as a member of a team. We offer education programs for a variety of age groups with the goal of both having fun and encouraging children to grow.

Autism Drama Program

Get an in-depth look at the Autism Drama Program in the video above. Video produced by the PHILO Project. Learn more about the PHILO Project at

Kelly Clarkson looks at a TV screen with Nell Bang-Jensen and Mydera Talia Robinson on the screen

We were on The Kelly Clarkson Show!

Theatre Horizon’s Autism Drama Program was recently featured on The Kelly Clarkson Show. Artistic Director Nell Bang-Jensen and Director of Community Investment Mydera Taliah Robinson were able to share the history of our Autism Drama Program and its impact on students on National Television.